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Familias enriquecedoras, arraigadas en la compasión



We are dedicated to supporting expectant parents throughout the Northern New Mexico region. The Birthing Tree's community of doulas ensures that every family finds a doula aligned with their needs and values. Our organization holds a commitment to nurturing a safe and inclusive environment rooted in culturally centered care. The Birthing Tree Fund supports ALL birthing people with doula care because we believe every birth deserves a doula!

The Birthing Tree's mission is rooted in the belief that every family deserves equal access to compassionate, empowering, and holistic care throughout their pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum journey.

Bienvenido a The Birthing Tree, donde estamos comprometidos a brindar clases para padres compasivas y de alta calidad, así como servicios integrales de doula de parto y posparto. Nuestro objetivo es brindarle el conocimiento y el apoyo que necesita para recorrer con confianza el emocionante viaje hacia la paternidad.

Apoyo de Doula durante el embarazo


Calidad excepcional

Esta es la descripción de su característica. Escriba una breve reseña que explique cuál es la función y por qué es importante para los visitantes, clientes o clientes. ¡No tengas miedo de alardear! Aproveche esta oportunidad para enfatizar los beneficios importantes o las ventajas clave.


Anna, Taylor, Kai

Upon meeting my doula, I felt her experience and calm. I can’t imagine the birth of my son without her help! My husband and I were well thought about, coached, and encouraged every step of the way. I knew we could call her at 2 am during my labor, when her help was truly a godsend. Thank you! - Anna, Taylor, and Kai

In the past 24 months...

Our Donors

Want to become a Doula for free? Click HERE

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